Top 10 High calorie food- High calorie meals - High calorie fast food items

High calorie food. Generally, high-calorie foods are low-volume foods that are dense in nutrients like proteins, carbs, and fat. High-calorie foods are ranked by the number of calories per 100 g instead of a “per common serving” basis.

Top 10 High calorie food

Red meats:

Red meats i.e. beef and lamb are a rich source of proteins and calories. They are also the best sources of dietary creatine, which is one of the best muscle-building supplements. However, always try to choose fattier cuts of meat as they provide more calories and also help to add weight. As lamb and beef meat are among the meats that are highest in calories, they can be especially advantageous to people who wish to gain weight.

Top 10 High calorie food


We often heard that milk is good if you want to gain weight and build muscle. Milk is a rich source of protein, carbs, calcium, calories, fats, vitamins, and other minerals. It has shown that children who drink the most milk gain the most weight. They also have excess energy after consumption. Drinking milk in the morning helps you a lot for a whole day. Milk-based proteins are better for the development of muscle mass than soy-based proteins.

Calories per Cup 298 calories

Calories per 100g 61 calories


Chocolate, one of the most favourite and consuming food, no doubt contains healthy antioxidants but also contains high calories. Cocoa content present in chocolate gives people the chocolate hit they're after. Cocoa can boost your mood and circulation, and it also provides minerals such as iron and calcium to your body. You can use chocolate in your smoothies, homemade protein shakes, peanut butter sandwiches, a glass of milk, or biscuit sandwiches to gain a few extra pounds.

580 kcal/100g, average serving 40g.


Eggs are the source of calories, healthy fats, proteins, and vitamin D. Because eggs are high in fats and also have about zero carbohydrates, they are amazing calorie-dense foods for people who follow low-carb diets, like the keto diet. They also provide a small amount of every micronutrient necessary for humans.

As a result, they’re incredibly beneficial for muscle-building and healthy weight gain.

Calories: 155 per 2 large boiled eggs.


Animal Fats

Animal fat contains high calories and differs significantly depending on the source of meat i.e. fish oil has the highest calorie of 902 calories per 100 g and on the other hand butter contains 717 calories per 100g.

Peanut Butter

Peanuts are legumes, but they pack a large amount of calorie punch like nuts and nut butter. Peanut butter is an amazing choice to gain weight. Only two tablespoons of peanut butter contain 191 calories, 7 g of protein, 16 g of fat, and 7 g of carbohydrates. Peanuts contain a high amount of protein and contain all amino acids that strengthen the human immune system and build great stamina.


Adding potatoes to a dish is an easy and healthy way to add more calories to your diet. Potatoes and other starchy vegetables are highly rich in carbohydrates. When you consume boiled, baked, or roasted potatoes you get the best out of all their nutrients. In addition, potatoes increase your muscle glycogen level which acts as a fuel source for sports activities. 

Dried Fruit

Dried fruits are high calorie food that is packed with carbohydrates, antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and fibers. In addition, they’re easy to eat and have a high sugar content which helps to gain weight.


High-Calorie Fruits

Some fruits are with little water content. These fruits are loaded with fructose (which is fruit sugar).

Generally, citrus fruits are full of water i.e. oranges. Hence, they are not as high in calories as others. These fruits have fiber content, along with essential vitamins and minerals.

Some of the high-calorie fruits are following 

  • Banana 
  • Plum
  • Apricots 
  • Dates 
  • Mango 


Rice is an easy way to add calories to your diet. 100 g of white rice provides 130 calories of energy and 28 g of carbs with a very little amount of fat. A study stated that consumption of white rice for1 year helps to gain 3 kg of weight.



